TV Drama

Wednesday 15th November 2023

Television: industries and Audiences


To research the history, companies and regulators in the Television industry 

Publicity owned TV Channel - public broadcasting, which receives government subsidies and usually does not have paid advertising interrupting the show.

Commercial TV channel - gains money through adverts

Convergence - joining different technologies into one device eg.. mobile phone 

watershed - The watershed is a time before which television broadcasters have agreed not to show programmes unsuitable for children ( 9pm - 5:30am )

segmented market - different groups depending on taste and interest 

Mainstream - Mainstream describes what's viewed by most people in a society as "normal," like the mainstream view that everyone should get married, move to the suburbs, and have children as soon as they can

self regulating - regulated its own content

franchise - it involved liscencing of a brand/program to other parties and partners

channel-surfing - changing frequently from one channel to another

PSB - broadcasting for the benefit of the public

TV licence - BBC is funded by the TV licence which gives the BBC money through fitting a remit

scheduling - planning what program will be on at what time

conglomerate - A conglomerate is a corporation of several different, sometimes unrelated, businesses

1. 1936

2. 3 channels (BBC 1, BBC 2, ITV)

3. 22nd September 1955, provide competition and reduce the current monopoly to the then BBC Television

4. BBC One.
BBC Two.
Channel 3 (ITV1; and STV, in Northern and Central Scotland)
Channel 4/S4C (Wales)
Channel 5.


6. The Law/ Self regulated

7. No longer network-driven, the internet has created an era of consumer-driven television. Viewers are more in control of what and when they watch. Instead of tuning in at a specified time, we now can stream the content we choose at all hours of the day, from almost anywhere Also colour was added

Wednesday 22nd November 2023
Television Industries Ownership and regulation
LO: To explore the ownership and regulation of BBC 1 and ITV 

Our mission is "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain".

1. To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them

2. To support learning for people of all ages

3. To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services

4. To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom

5. To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world


2. Our purpose is to entertain and connect with millions of people in the UK and globally, reflecting and shaping culture and building brands with brilliant content and creativity. This is aligned to our 2026 strategic vision, to be a leader in UK advertiser-funded streaming and an expanding global force in content.

Our Social Purpose strategy is an integral part of delivering our purpose and our strategic vision. See our Social Purpose website for further detail.

3. itv x 


5. Im a celebrity, love island, Britain's got talent 


Wednesday 13th December 2023

TV Audiences

LO: To explore how audiences consume tv dramas and the appeals 

social media 

streaming services 

through the tv 

on a phone 

on a laptop 

on a tablet 

on consoles 


Reasons why we watch tv live

you already know what happens if you watch it on catch up 

so you can join in on the interactivity 

TV Drama is a television drama that is organised to a series of episodes 

1. lufer 

2. peaky blinders 

3. stranger things 

4. casualty 

5. stranger things

6. game of thrones

7. a very english scandal 


Wednesday 10th January 2024

Do Now

The 1960's


research the social, historical and political context of the avengers 

In 1961, the soviets launched the first man in space. His name is Yuri Gagarin. He was only 27 years old.

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a legislation that prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

President Lyndon Johnson signed the Immigration and Naturalisation Act

Berlin Wall is built, dividing East and West Germany

Preventing South Vietnam from falling to communism was the United States' key goal in the Southeast Asia War

cold war

birth control pill was approved in the 1960s

1. the Beatles

2. labour was in power, Harold Wilson

3. yes they were a massive part of the 60s, because of the hippe culture 

4. cold war, Vietnam war 

5. anti-Vietnam War movement, the women's liberation movement and the Civil Rights movement

6. the gender roles were very traditional and people of different races and genders  were looked down on in the 60s


Wednesday 17th January 2024

The Avengers 


Research the TV show Avengers 

1. abc television, itv 

2. mainstream adult audience, teenagers  

3. 7th January, 1961

4.  6 seasons 

5. 21st April, 1969

6. £56,000 each episode 

8. it meant they could film in more locations and they could get better cameras and actors which would make the tv series seem more realistic. Much higher production values 

9. Patrick Mcnee (John Steed), Dianna Rigg (Emma Peel)

The avengers were scheduled on Saturday's at 9.05pm- peak time to attract a mass audience  

4th series attracted audiences of around 7 million 


Wednesday 24th January 2024

Do Now

the avengers is about spies in the 1960s and it was very popular with over 4 series that attracted around 7 million viewers 

The avengers: The Town Of No Return 

main character - john Stead, mrs Emma Peel 

piggy warren 

Mrs Manson

Tom Smallwood 

Mr Brandon 


Wednesday 31st January 2024

Do Now

1. at the end they realise the germans are taking over but as spies and they are taking town at a time slowly killing all of the civilians 

2. characters - main character - john Stead, mrs Emma Peel 

piggy warren Mrs Manson Tom Smallwood Mr Brandon 



personal identity

people in the 60s will relate because of the war which had just past and also because of Emma peel because women might be like her. john stead will appeal to men because he is like the traditional British man in the 60s and or they might look up to him. 


that women can be as strong and capable as men, they can understand how espionage works, information about the upper class.  


people watching it will be entertained, fight scenes, anti-stereotypical stereotypes, enjoy the danger 

social interaction 

you will talk to your friend's about it or family about it and that will make them want to watch it as well 

Context - The avengers - The town of no return

LO: To analyse the influence of social and historical contexts in series 4, ep 1 

Cold war - tinned food, uniform, weapons 

threat of nuclear war - they had all the explosive weapons and guns in the tunnels 

threat of foreign invasion - the german were invading Britan in the tunnels, it was a plan to invade the british 

espionage - there are spies for both the british and the german 


Wednesday 7th February 2024

characters - the 2 main characters were represented as traditional british

setting - the setting is in a seaside town in England which in this episode is the plan for the german soldiers to invade from 

props - the props were used to represent peoples strength like for example the metal hat that john stead wears

character interaction - the character interaction separates the german soldiers "bad guys" to the british "good guys"

stereotypes - female stereotypes are highly challenged in this episode because Emma peel is a woman who is highly capable of fighting on her own but the stereotype is supported in some occasions because the man (john stead) is a better fighter than Emma Peel.

1. through Emma Peels intelligence and fighting capability 

2. through the clothes that Emma Peel wears 

3. through both Emma Peel and John stead 

anti - stereotype

she took down 2 men in a fight 

she found out what was happening before john stead 


clothing (mise-en-scene)

makeup (mise-en-scene)

1. they chose to make her a mrs instead of a miss because that means she is already married and does not want to create the assumption that she is only working to impress john stead 

2. they assume everyone is heterosexual which shows that there weren't many homosexual people in the 60s 


Wednesday 21st February 2024

extract analysis


To explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract 

camerawork :

shot types 





Wednesday 28th February 2024

Extract analysis

LO: To explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract 

graphic match:

editing is being used in the avengers when john stead is burning the bartenders beard and then it cuts to the horseshoe on fire to show the fire which resembles the situation that john peel is in and possibly his anger towards the soldiers because they have stolen Emma Peel 

speed of cuts:

also the speed of the cuts in the action creates tension and emphasises the movement and action of the scene especially because it is a tense scene because you dont know who will win the fight and if the soldier wins the fight then the germans could take over the whole of England town by town. 

The diegetic choir music is used to give a sence of peacefulness this is used to juxtapose the guns and the peaceful choir music to make the audience believe the preist is a good man and give the audience no sense of danger until he pulls out the gun to make the audience more surprised 


Wednesday 6th March 2024

Extract analysis

LO: To explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract 

Do Now

1. camerawork, editing, mise en scene, sound 

2. 2

3. 5


1. How is camerawork used to create meaning ?

A medium long shot was used on the blacksmith attacking john stead with it cutting to john then back to the blacksmith. They also use a low angle in this scene which is used to create suspence and also show that in that scene the most powerful character is the blacksmith as the man slowly walks closer towards john with a burning horse shoe in his hand and the camera which is continuously cutting back to a close up of johns face to show his fear which creates more suspence in the scene. 


2. editing is used to create tension by pacing the cuts and during the tense scenes like at the start when john stead was walking into the blacksmiths the pace of the cuts were really slow and the movements of john stead was also very slow which makes the audience feel the tension in between the cuts because they know something is wrong and then when the fight scene breaks out, the cuts get quicker and more intense.


L - media language 

I - institutions

A - audience 

R - representations 

Intro - extract shows both ST and AST 

1. Fight - mise en scene steed vs blacksmith - men fighting - 2 stereotypes 

2. stead rescuing Peel. Damsil in destress (propp)context of 1960s - patriarchal society audience expect 

3. anti stereotype's peel explaining the war context - women having more equality 

conclusion - traditional gender stereotypes but some anti stereotypical 


Wednesday 20th March 2024

Television in the 2010s

LO: To explore the context of the 2010s and the effect on TV shows and audiences 

Do Now 

1. less gender equality, less sexualities, less race equality 


3. highly advanced now than the 60s 

cuffs Series 1 episode 1 


Wednesday 17th April 2024

Cuffs and Audience Appeal

LO: To analyse the appeals of TV drama 

Do Now

In the cuffs episode the changes we can see are a wide range of ethnicities in cuffs as opposed to the white dominated people in the avengers in 1960s. Also the sexualities have changed since then since there are gay characters in cuffs but not any in the avengers.

The hero - pc Ryan Draper 

the villain - criminals 

the donor - 

the helper - Pc Lino Moretti, Pc Donna Prager 

the princess - stopping crimes 

the dispatcher - Chief super Robert vickers 

the prinsesses father - 

the false hero - pc Jake Vickers 

personal identity - people might be like some of the characters in cuffs and will relate to them 

information - people will get information about the police force and how it works or police force in Brighton 

entertainment - there are many characters and moments in cuffs that are funny and will entertain an audience 

social interaction - people will talk to their friends about cuffs and the latest episodes 

Cuffs and social contexts

LO: To analyse representation and influence of social and cultural contexts in cuffs 

1. more female protagonists and the woman are not at the highest role as that is still men but there are more women with authority in cuffs like Jo Moffat and Pc Donna Prager 

2. there are gay men in cuffs and also some of the criminals are crying or letting out their emotions which isn't very stereotypically masculine behaviour

3. donna has better stamina than the fat policeman which shows she is stronger than a man 


Wednesday 24th April 2024

Cuffs and social contexts

LO: To analyse representation and influence of social and cultural contexts in cuffs 

Do Now

1. police are outnumbered and understaffed, described as not very good at their job 

Donna is represented as athletic and determined because when they all did the fitness test she got second in the fitness competition beating the other 2 police officers who are both male characters. 

Jake Vickers is represented as incapable to police people this is shown in the scene where he panics and gets the wrong road when chasing the criminal which causes the criminal to get away

Felix Kane is represented as unsure in himself and possibly insecure because he is a reserved character who we see is going to a nightclub at the end of the episode which is proved that in recent times society is more open to different types of people.

Jake vickers is seen as a mix between masculine and feminine  because he wants to be the best but he is also gay which is anti stereotypical of masculinity 

Lino Moretti is seen as un-athletic and the comedy character which is stereotypical of a funny guy  

Felix Kane is also seen as an anti stereotypical man as he is very reserved and is seen to have many issues outside of the police force with his identity 

1. ryan is black in this episode and he is the main character showing that we are more accepting of all ethnicities 

2. rasism still exists because the criminal in the episode tried to attack ryan and was also a known rasist which was said in the episode many times by the police force 

3. the rasist group was viewed very negatively as they were the criminals that the police were trying to catch 

4. which reflects society in 2015 as Britain and England was a lot more accepting of all cultures and ethnicities in 2015 in comparison to 1960


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