
 Monday 11th December 2023

What Is News

LO:To explore the history of the news industry and genres of newspaper 

Do Now 

1. media language, representation, audience, industry

2. costume, lighting, hair and makeup, props, setting 

3. media language, historical, political and social 

4. what something is 

5. what is represented 

what is the purpose of news

to inform an audience about current events 

to persuade people to make a change 

to entertain an audience 

to educate

to make money

200 years ago news websites didn't exist and instead it was a word of mouth and shared by everyone but then the printing press was made causing newspaper companies to control the news but the news has gone full circle now because people are telling each other instead of a company controlling what you know and what you dont know.

peak of newspapers was 1950s when tv was not released yet 

decline in newspaper sales since 1950

class divide

Tabloid newspaper 

Broadsheet newspaper 

Hybrid Newspaper 


the sun 

the mirror 

the daily star


Monday 8th January 2024


LO: To explore the nature and ownership of the news industry 

Do now 

1. educate, inform, profit,  persuade, entertain 

2. people sharing news with others in conversation 

3. the printing press 

4. TV in the 1950/60s

5. hard news, formal language, more copy less image 


red box around masthead, big font size, not much text, lots of writing 


double the size of the tabloid newspaper, no red box, lots of text, smaller font and size of text, more complicated than tabloid, serious news, not many pictures 


a mixture between tabloid and broadsheet, some writing, medium size text, some pictures

 The Sun, The Times and The Sun on Sunday are owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation 

The observer - owned by a trust 

main aim of newspapers - money 
the content of the news is whatever is popular 

this effects the news we get because it is legal for it to be bias so the newspaper companies can twist the fats and make it look like something else 

mail - 39% - Lord Rothermere 
sun, times -28% - Keith Rupert Murdoch
express, mirror, daily record - 16% - reach 
 telegraph. - telegraph group 


Monday 15th January 2024

Do now

1. scotts trust

2. media barron 

3. cross media 

4. Lord Rothermere

5. 71%

How does media ownership contribute to new bias?

commercial advertising ties 

political opinion of owner

business interests of owners/friends

profit: newspapers are not psb - news is not "non-fiction" it is stories designed to sell 

white writing = key information 

Political bias 

The Guardian - left 

The Mirror - left 

The Independant - centre 

The Times - right 

The Telegraph - right 

The Sun - right 

The Daily Express - right 

The Daily Mail - right 

How do newspapers make money?



paywalls and membership 

events and other sales 

sponsored content 


Monday 29th January 2024

Audience - Observer

LO: To investigate the audience for the observer publication 

Newspaper Regulation 

For :

protect privacy 

hold newspapers to account 

against :

it shows what the people in power are hiding 

press freedom - bias avoid

no control - so can investigate sensitive areas 


social media 


1. scotts trust 

2. left wing 

3. self regulated 

4. advertisements, sales, sponsorships 

5. because all the other newspaper websites are free so they will have less people viewing their newspaper 

age range - 35+

gender - male and female 50-50

where they live they live in the south of the uk predominantly 

social class - middle class

political view - left wing 

interests - arts and culture, food and drink 

bringing together different media for example the observer adding a comments section onto the website which will make people who view only social media news go to their website to view the news. and older people will buy the printed newspapers and the younger generation will view the websites and social media 


Monday 5th February 2024

Media Language 


To investigate how print newspapers use media language to create meaning 

Do Now

newspapers are funded by any advertisements that are on the newspaper because the advertisement companies pay for their advert to be on your newspaper 

newspapers are funded by sales because you have to pay to buy a newspaper and some of that money goes to the company that made the newspaper 

Advantage of online news:

easier for the user 

quicker than getting a paper 

companies can print it quicker 

companies dont have to pay for workers in factories

less damage to the planet  

disadvantages of online news:

companies dont make money by selling the newspapers 

you need the internet to access it 

you need a phone or a device to use online news 

you could be having internet problems 

it could get hacked and people could spread fake news 

liberalism -willingness to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; openness to new ideas.

internationalism - the state or process of being international.

patriarchy/anti-sexism - a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is reckoned  through the male line.

rasism/ anti-rasism 

consumerism - buying things 

masthead - serif font with white background which suggests it observes the news and tells the audience everything 

date - tells the audience how recent it is 

byline - no diversity, all 3 written by men 

headline - serif font, large "ultra-safe bombproof manifesto" suggests power and positivity towards the labour party

subhead - serif, large and formal language which suggests that people that read the observer are intelligent 

caption - 

stand first - 

copy - lots of text filled with serious and hard hitting news 

main image - low angle which connotes power also what she is wearing also suggest power and formal attire  

minor images - food which shows that the audience likes to spend money on food which shows they are rich and can waste money on food 

columns - lots of writing which suggests the audience is sophisticated and intelligent 

skybox - lot of advertisements about food and politics which shows that the audience like that type of stuff which means they are on the richer side 

pull quote - no pull quote 


Monday 19th February 2024

Do Now

advantage's -  you would have a physical copy of it and the older generations would be able to access it 

disadvantages - companies have to pay to print the newspapers which costs money, as a customer you have to pay for the newspaper 

masthead - the observer - suggests its not bias 

navigation bar - news, option, sport - makes it easy for the user to find what they want 

stand first - 

byline - 

headline - makes the reader feel sorry for ukraine as its "city is falling"

subhead - 

main image - low angle shot of president of Ukraine which makes him look powerful and comfortable because of his casual clothing 

minor image - much more normal environment and very relatable to some viewers

links - takes you to another news story 

pull quote - 

advert -

video - passive access to news 

social media -

sign in - personalised news to what you want to watch 

search bar - more personalised 

banner -

1. left wing by supporting Ukraine which is the small country instead of supporting russia "pleads for help"

representations - focuses on all cultures and tries to be objective, un bias 


Monday 26th February 2024

Do Now

1. the font and size of text 

2. how the things are laid out like pictures, text ect

3. the language used 

4. the main title for a newspaper 

5. section at the top of the newspaper above the masthead 

Historical case studies 


To evaluate the impact of social, cultural, political and historic contexts on 1960's newspapers 

guardian/observer now would be the same 

1. "lawyers will uge divorce by consent"

gender equality is starting to change and become more equal, women are getting more rights, 1960's - social change - starting move towards gender equality. Patriarchal society of the 1960's because law council was staffed by men and women didn't have the same rights to divorce.

2. "Wilson-Brown market clash"

Echenomics issues, political news story, surrounding Europe and relationships with Britain - complex relationship. 

Three key features defined the Cold War: 
1) the threat of nuclear war
2) competition over the allegiance (loyalty) of newly independent nations
3) the military and economic support of each other's enemies around the world.

3."so polite, this North Sea spy game",  "America accused of spy frame up"

worry of spies and espionage due to the war, between America and Russia. spy "game" suggests its fun and exciting 

4. "Jackie: we're very happy"

shows how important America was to the english because it was on front page news, she is being shown because of who she married not her job or something else, shows patriarchal society 

5. "unions pospone strike"

public is unsettled with money issues and conservative's are in charge, greater union power in that decade, increase in social power, female politician - only feature of a woman in power - Barbra Castle, promoting an equal gender pay. (start of social change)

6. Briton shoots gold 

Black power protest at the Mexico Olympics, reflecting the anti - rasist movement of the 1960's; note tg=he unselfconscious use of the term "negro"

7. "Stephen Pollock with Elisabeth Vambe, 21, a Rhodesian-born African" 

reflects the context of a white culture that sees what were known as 'mixed marriages' as so unusual to be newsworthy 


Monday 4th March 2024

Do Now

1. navigation bar - link to appropriate sections 

2. banner - a heading appearing on a web page in the form of a bar 

3. pull quote - text that is pulled from the text that is duplicated 

4. stand first - first summary of a paragraph of a text in a newspaper article 

5. masthead - the title of a newspaper 

Vietnam war :

hope rises for case fire in Vietnam 

human wave attack 

physical war, death 

cease fire movement to oppose governments social power confront and criticise government 


Monday 11th march 2024

Historical case studies 

LO: To evaluate the impact of social, cultural, political and historical contexts on 1960's newspapers. To structure an exam style response 

Do Now

the cold war, the Vietnam war, protests for equal rights for women, protests for equal rights for black people,  

Explain how broadsheet newspapers reflect the time and historic contexts in which they were published. Refer to the Observer front page from October 20th 1966 that you have studied to support your answer.

The Observer cover from the 1960s reflects that rasism was very apparent in the 1960s. An example of this is the use of the word 'Negros' which was used carelessly multiple times in the article 'Briton shoots a Gold' This clearly indicates that society in the 1960s was very rasist in their everyday language moreover in this same article in the interview they explain that there is no education for black people and if they are lucky enough to get an education they have to all be physically fit because they have to run to school everyday to get there on time. Newspapers reflect the time of heir production and the contextual issues that are in that time.

The Observer cover from the 1960s reflects that gender equality was a huge issue in the 60s. An example to prove this is, in the article in the October 20th 1968 Observer newspaper,  "Jackie : we're very happy" This clearly indicates that in society in the 1960s we saw more men in newspapers than woman as a black woman's marriage is on front page news of the Observer which implies that it does not happen very often. Moreover the only appearance women make on newspapers are as a mans property weather that be marriage or on an advert to appeal to menNewspapers reflect the time of heir production and the contextual issues that are in that time.

The Observer cover from the 1960s reflects that espionage was also a huge issue in the 60s. An example of this is "America accused of spy frame-up" This clearly indicates that in society in the 1960s there was a mass worry about spies and espionage due to rumours being spread and spreading so fast that they make it onto front page news on the Observer newspaper in 1966. Which got the public worried because they dont know who they can trust as anyone could be a spy or being someone that they are not. Newspapers reflect the time of heir production and the contextual issues that are in that time. 

   - adress question 

   - An example from the observer 

   - explain what this example indicates about the context 

   - link back to question 


Monday 18th March 2024

Exam Format 

LO: To explore the exam format and content for the news unit 

Do Now

1. copy dominates the front page 

2. the observer title

3. 9+

4. right hand side 

5. that men dominate the news 


1. globalisation

2. broadsheet 


print newspapers survive despite the growth of online news because print newspaper attracts an older audience who are not used to using the internet because they dont know how to and prefer to do things more traditionally.

Another reason that print news still is popular is because of the people who dont have access to the internet and therefore cant use online news so they have to go to a shop to buy newspapers to get their news 


Race is a under-represented social group because they are rarely shown in the news and when they are they are shown to be strong and serious as they are all grouping together and making a stand for rasism. 

The under-represented social group on the cover of The observer is also women which is shown to be powerful and confident in the headline which says "The woman who shamed the BBC" which shows her to be confident and powerful as she is standing up to the BBC moreover the image next to this headline is showing the woman being very confident and smiling to show she is not scared of the BBC. 


Language (media)




genre - type of newspaper (broadsheet, tabloid)

The media language of the observer convey the genre conventions of a broadsheet newspaper 


Monday 25th March 2024

Do Now 

1. more pictures than text 

2. less pictures than text, pictures are much smaller than tabloid, tabloid newspapers 

3. The observer is a broadsheet newspaper

4. tabloid:


Guided practice Q9

LO: To explore the exam format for Q9 for the news unit and apply analysis skills and exam writing technique 

Intro - yes it is a broadsheet, copy, masthead, headline 

para 1 - Masthead - bold, serif, black and white, capital and lowercase 

serious news - black and white, serif, traditional element upper and lower case, serious, traditional, formal 

para 2 - image - mid shot, press conference, staged photo opportunity Rich Sunak and American politician, positive image - body language shaking hands smiling, suits - formal 

Media language reflects genre conventions by the amount of copy that is used in the front page, the masthead and the headline of this newspaper. 

The observer cover reflects generic genre conventions of a broadsheet newspaper. An example of this is in the formal masthead "The Observer." this clearly indicates that the observer newspaper establishes itself as a broadsheet newspaper. Therefore it is clearly evident that the observer does use media language to reflect the generic conventions of a Broadsheet newspaper 

The observer newspaper cover also reflects the generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper by the image used. An example of this is in the only image on the newspaper it shows uk's prime minister and us's president shaking hands which is political meaning it is hard news which clearly indicates that the observer is a Broadsheet newspaper. Therefore it is clearly evident that the observer does use media language to reflect the generic conventions of a Broadsheet newspaper.

To conclude the genre of this newspaper is clearly a broadsheet newspaper and that is because of the variety of media language they use which fit all the codes and conventions of broadsheet newspapers.


Monday 15th April 2024

PPE Exam Dirt

LO: To reflect on the exam and identify areas to improve 

Do Now

1. media language, industry, audience, representation

2. cold war, Vietnam war, rasism, patriarchy

3. war (ukraine), less racism, less sexism, globalisation 

Q6. ethnicity

Q7. no laws/ central regulator no one regulates online news, where they are located because you cant regulate news which is coming from a different country.

Q8. conventions of broadsheet newspapers are lots of copy which is in small serif font in various Columbus, one main image which is common for a broadsheet and no other images on the front cover accept if it is an advert 

Q9. The representations of an observer newspaper is typical because the main image is a black woman and a white male which shows that they are both represented as equal and happy which breaks the stereotype's and shows equality. The representations on the front cover also show that the observer is multicultural because of the woman on the front cover being black and is shown in a positive light which shows that the observer newspaper shows equality to all genders and ethnicities which is a common representation of observer newspapers. 

Q10. poor printing quality and more writing on the page

rasism and gender equality 


Monday 22nd April 2024

Exam Format Q9

LO: To explore the exam format and content for the news unit 

Do Now

1. the values and beliefs of the observer newspaper are left wing and their beliefs and values are progress equality and supporting others 

2. conventions of a broadsheet newspaper is that there is a lot of copy and minimal text and the font is a small serif font but then larger for the title which is also serif font but much larger and bolder 

Question 9




it looks like a broadsheet 

Media Language

. masthead

. main image

. lexis

. headlines

. subheadings

. colour pallet

. skybox 

Media contexts 

. main image - gender roles, celebrity, multiculturalism

. sky box - lifestyle (audience)


The Observer cover reflects generic genre conventions of a broadsheet newspaper. An example of this is in the formal masthead "the observer" in which they use a bold, serif font to fit the genre conventions of a broadsheet newspaper. This clearly indicates that the observer establishes itself as a broadsheet newspaper because the masthead fits the conventions. In addition, the main image is used to prove that the observer values and beliefs are politically left wing which means they are less stereotypical of that of other newspapers. This is shown in the main image by the character they have at the centre of the image being a black woman which stereotypically women were only on newspapers as a product to the man and usually were seen wearing revealing clothes whereas in recent times in the observer newspaper woman are seen much more equally with men. Moreover the main image being a black woman shows the multiculturalism that the observer newspaper did not have in the 1960s meaning they were more inclined to put a white male as back then there was much more discrimination againced women and different ethnicities. In addition, the skybox shows that the audience of the observer newspaper are higher class which shows as the genre of the newspaper is a broadsheet. In conclusion, the observer newspaper is a broadsheet newspaper which shows as many of the steryotypical broadsheet conventions fit the elements of this newspaper.


Monday 29th April 2024

Q10 Modern Analysis

LO: To explore the contextual issues of news in a modern newspaper 

Do Now

1. a lot of images and less copy non serious news

2. lots of copy and one main image or very little images, serious news 

3. colourful skybox, masthead below the skybox, skybox at the top of the newspaper

The Observer newspaper reflects the generic conventions of a broadsheet news paper through the use of layout and colour. An example of this is through the use of the skybox separating the advertisements from the context of the newspaper which makes the advertisements pop out and catch the eye of the audience which is separated from the serious news below the skybox. They also use the colours black and white to symbolise that it is serious news which is reflected in the headline "tax cuts will backfire". The fact that the skybox also features celebrities and lifestyle content such as fashion shows

Context - The history, exposition behind a topic


1. war, Ukraine and russia 

2. lifestyle - equality multiculturalism supporting racial equality, article about war 

3. less patriarchal 

4. technology - more advanced 

5. consumerism - buying things, garden furniture 

6. Fame + celebrity 

7. online news 

The Observer cover from today depicts the contextual issue of rasism and equality. An example of this is seen in the image in the skybox where there is a black woman. This indicates that in todays society we value equality, Therefore it is clear to see that contextual issues that are revenant at the time are reflected in the newspapers produced.

The observer newspaper cover from today also depicts the contextual issue of lifestyle now in modern times. An example of this is seen in the observer newspaper skybox where they are advertising cakes and luxury items that are not necessary to live.


Wednesday 8th May 2024 


  1. 8/1/24- 2.Great notes today, well done. Keep engaged in class discussions and answering questions.

  2. 5/2- Excellent 4/4- Target use more terminology.

  3. 22/4- Good analysis, 5. more paragraphs analysing different parts of the media language.


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