Music Magazines

Monday 22nd January 2024

1. conglomerate 

2. using live music to appeal to audiences need to feel informed about the musical ability of stars 

3. teenage dirtbag - positive, youth romance, rejection, alienation  
sk8er boi - rebellion, teen, friendship 

4. representation- how someone or something is presented 
social group - how a group of people are represented 

a difference between extract 1 and 2 is that mojo is commonly known for their rock music genre but on extract 1 the woman on the front cover is being represented as relaxed abd calm which fits onto the music genre of classical 

5. need a conclusion
the media language used is very different which creates different messages 
body language, colour pallet, typography, main image 


 Monday 20th March 2023


title, main image, date, tag line, main cover, bar code, tagline, pull quote. 

1. time inc, IPC connect 

2. immediate media company 

3. H. Bauer Publishing

4. H Bauer UK

5. herst communications 

6. conde nast 

7. hearst communications 

1. It operates worldwide and owns more than 600 magazines

2. take a break 

3. MOJO is published by Bauer Media. This company owns over 600 magazines, including two other UK music magazines – Q and Kerrang! The company has diversified the MOJO brand, offering online in order to reduce the risk of only operating in one media form.

4. Spanning 8 countries – the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Poland and Slovakia, Bauer Media Audio owns leading brands including KISS, Mix Megapol, Absolute Radio, Magic Radio, Radio Norge, Radio Expres, Radio Nova, Radio 100, Today FM, Newstalk and RMF.

5. they own lots of companies 

1. independant press standards organisation, ofcom 

2. ipso

1. advertising , sales, 




Wednesday 19th April 2023


To explore how representations are constructed in music videos 



physically strong 

short hair

physically demanding job


not emotional


physically weak 

long hair 

jobs that dont need physical strength 





the action of degrading someone to the mere status of an object.

sexual objectification:

is when a male/female views another male/female primary as an object of sexual desire, rather than a person.

sk8ter Boi:

Avril Lavigne - represented as a rebellious teenager who broke the stereotypes of gender 

punk rock genre - links to the rebelliousness of avril Lavigne and the music video 

teenagers - represented as naughty and violent and are antiestablishment 


Teenage Dirtbag

The band - energetic, fun, silly 

the male and female protagonists - the male protagonist is very nerdy and the stereotypical high school looser and the female protagonist is the prise/object 

ethnicity - predominately white male/female


Wednesday 26th April 2023

LO: To explore and practice exam style questions





heavy metal 





heavy rock 



drumb and bass 


Monday 15th may 2023

Music magazines

LO: To explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines 

the genre of this music magazine is emo rock, you can tell by the predominantly black and red colour pallet because back and red connotes anger, violence and chaos. The mise en scene also reinforces this point because in that image you can see the electric guitars and piano and the microphone which shows that they are a band of some sort and electric guitars are commonly thought as rock bands.


What is typography? Typography is the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader. Typography involves font style, appearance, and structure, which aims to elicit certain emotions and convey specific messages


the way in which the parts of something are arranged or laid out


 the total stock of words in a language.

Colour Pallet:

 A color palette, in the digital world, refers to the full

range of colors that can be displayed on a device screen or other interface, or
in some cases, a collection of colors and tools for use in paint and
illustration programs. The color palette reveals a lot about the electronic
design of the device or technology, and its visual capabilities for human



What is mise-en-scène? Mise-en-scène is a French term meaning literally 'to place on stage'. In film and TV the term is used to refer to everything you can see on screen when watching a film.


the Katie perry magazine uses mise en scene to show us that her songs are not about killing or anything violent because of the costume she is wearing and i know this because she wouldn't casually wear this many flowers. The typography of this magazine shows us that this magazine is trying to stand out with its sanserif font for the masthead and also the bright pink colour pallet the layout also supports the normal magazine codes and conventions because the text is around the main image and the biggest thing on the screen is main cover image 

1. c

2. d

3. a

4. e 

5. b


Monday 5th June 2023

Music Magazine Centres

Pop magazines 

 1. bright colours which are stereotypically girl colours like pink, yellow purple 

2. they usually have a famous person in the centre and quite big filling up a lot of the magazine and this celebrity is usually in a mid shot 

3. The typography is very simple with the use of sans serif and large fonts to pop out 

4. informal language and simple to understand. 

5. the layout is the main image is in the centre the masthead is always at the top 

6.the mise en scene is steryotypicaly feminine because most of the celebrities wear makeup

rock magazines 







Rap Magazines 

   1. white, black 

2. mid close up shot of famous rappers 

3. serif and blocky, makes them look basic 

4. informal easy to understand 

5. main image in the centre with masthead above it 

6.  varied throughout some are black some are white.

Genre and target audience                 



colour pallet 





mise en scene 


Demographics look at the factual data like age, gender, martial status and income 

psychographics look at the lifestyles behaviours and attitudes 





employment status









2. it is made to look like this to make it look active and fun. 



Monday 19th June 2023

the prop of the violin shows us that the genre is classical music 

the colour pallet shows that its vintage because of the bage colours

the costume is not over the top with special effects and makeup

the cover lines are about music and playing music specifically classical music 

Mojo Audience 

LO: To explore and define the magazines target audience 


1. For over 25 years, MOJO has been recognized as the definitive magazine for music fans the world over. At MOJO's heart, there's a profound understanding of how important music can be - an understanding shared by both its discerning and enduring international readership, and by the legendary artists themselves

2. the publishers of mojo are bauer media group and Ascential

3. The magazine was designed to appeal to the 30 to 45-plus age group, or the baby boomer generation

1. The most succesful magazines have been at the quality end of the market (the ones which use glossy paper) the luxury brands

2. Those luxury brands have features like high quality printing on glossy paper such as vogue 

3. MOJO uses some luxury aspects however only uses semi-glossy and lightweight paper 

MOJO covers established and current musicians 

every month mojo gives you a definitive cover feature on an iconic act and 30 pages plus of the best of that months music both classic and contemporary 

the readers and MOJO are passionate about music 

middle class = money. education, professional university education 

working class = less money skilled/non skilled job 

working class read weakly magazines unlike the middle class who read monthly magazines 

niche audience = a very specific target audience, as opposed to a mass audience 

1. Spotify, youtube, amazon music 

2. they have an intrest in music especially confrontational spirit

3. a professional with high income 

4. music 

5. loves music 

6. because they call themselves the best music magazine and they call themselves the expert music magazine 

they can be entertained by the music disc that comes with the magazine 

information provides information for the reader and make the audience learn about that person 


Monday 3rd July 2023

LO: To review and reflect on the EOY exam and set personal targets 

Question 1

Film regulator - BBFC

TV and Radio - OFCOM

Advertising - ASA

Magazines and Newspapers - IPSO and Impress 

Video Games - Video standard council 

Question 2

the mise en scene in teenage dirtbag is used by the costumes for example the teenage jock wears clothes contrasting the loosers this contrasts with sk8er boi costumes which is rebbelious this is a steryotypical rebbel teenager similarly they use different lighting to show what genre it is for example sk8er boi is darker than teenage dirtbag the lighter look is used to show a more joyful atmosphere. also the shot type shows that teeage dirtbag has got slower changes.

Question 3 


. music type 

. pop genre

. Mix of genre

. Mix of age 

(commercial radio)


. wider range of advertisers to earn money 

. mass audience

R1 Live Lounge 

. PSB-TV licence 

. follow remit 

. remit 15-29

. supporting upcoming bands uk

. live music 

Question 4

extend the marketing of the film because there is advertisement everywhere so everyone will see it and talk about it and know about it 

Question 5

ersonal identity - recognising themselves in the characters 

nformation - video game, more about characters 

ntertainment - interesting, fun, exciting, adventure.

S ocial interaction - talk to friends, lego sets, video game, forums to chat


Monday 17th July 2023

Representations and target audience

LO:  To identify target audiences for a music magazine and analyse for the representations present

codes and conventions for rap music magazines 

the facial expressions are very serious

includes famous rappers for the main image 

the colour pallet is commonly black and darker colours

cigarettes and cigars are also commonly used by the people on the main image 

reds and blacks are the most common colours used 


Monday 11th September 2023



To explore the appeal of mojo magazine to its target audience 



you can tell that the magazine is aimed at men because there is a man as the main image but also the magazine is attracted to women because the person on the main image is known as an attractive man also the colour pallet is very vender neutral (black,yellow and white) 


Education- posh, musical education, sophisticated language specialised long linked to music

Active audience

a magazine audience is an example of an active audience because you have to use your brain because you are reading the magazine and also you have to decide what part and what magazine you want to read.

Uses and gratifications

Personal identity
Social interaction 

personal identity 

these may gain personal identity by how rebellious she is and the reader will look up to  her because she had been a big name in the music industry for over 4 decades. and offers a female rolemodel and reinforces the values and culture of punk rock which appeals to the reader and that type of audience who likes that music genre specifically.

the information that you can get from the contents page is regular features and qna's to ask any question and MOJO will answer back also it tells you what news is going on and a sneak peek and leaks into what they should expect from the new magazines coming out in the future 

it provides entertainment by giving out a free CD also the colour pallet is very bright and bold and this magazine uses a variety of different colour and different shades to pop out and make the audience buy the magazine moreover the main image of the magazine is a huge celebrity and gives a sneak peek into the lifestyle of celebrities and high end popular peoples every day life because it is so much different to the target audience because Hendrix has a lot more money than the target audience and the people who would buy this magazine.

this magazine provides social interaction because the target audience will go home after reading about it and tell their friends and family about the magazine and attract as many people who like that genre as possible. and it also gives the reader a feeling of comfort and it makes them feel involved in an event that they couldn't go to you can see the new gossip at the bottom of the magazine where it leaks the new magazines that are coming out soon 


Monday 18th September 2023

Music industry


To understand exam style questions and practice exam techniques


personal identity - This magzine appeals to their target audience because the main image is a popular singer and musician and the people who would buy this magazine have a very specific music taste

information - we get information on bob marley on the cover lines 

entertainment - free cd which they could share with their friends 

social interaction - you could tell your friends about the free cd and also the content of the magazine 

Question 1

1. ofcom

2. bbc

3. broadcasting with no adverts for the public 

4. conglomerate.      convergence

5. diversification

6. conglomerate 

Question 2  (4 marks, 4 minutes)

1. one way that music radio stations can meet the requirements of public service broadcasting is through entertainment they do this by giving the listener what they want on the radio for example in the BBC live lounge they show live music and also they bring on popular artists and big names in the music industry like tom Grennan and Stormsy and they also mix the guests with some musicians not as popular as those big artists.


popular girl 

unpopular boy (geek)


high school life 

American high school 

sk8er boi 

set in a city 

rebelious teenagers 

one way that music videos create a different representation are the location, in teenage dirtbag they are set in a stereotypical american high school and in sk8er boi they are set in a city. the difference between the city and the high school is that the high school is all about the popular girl falling in love with the geek but in teenage dirtbag the popular girl rejects the geek then the geek becomes famous 


Monday 25th September 2023

Music industry Q3


To explore exam style questions and practice exam techniques

Do Now

1. ofcom

2. BBC

3. broadcasting benefiting the public

4. Convergence

5. diversification 

6. conglomerate 

one way that mojo attract their audience are entertainment and they do this by giving out free cds which the people who buy mojo magazines will want to listen to the free cds because mojos target audience is music lovers and is a unique offer that not many magazines give you.

another way that mojo attracts their audience is through personal identity an example of this is bob marley on the front cover as the main image because people look up to him as a musician and also they want to learn more and more about him because they are big fans.

4 marks 

BBC live lounge need to provide a wider range of content to fit the remit because the only way that live lounge get their money is through tv lisense so if the remits requirements are  not met then they will not get given any money and therefore will shut down. The main aims of commercial radio is to make money through advertisements and gaining a massive audience so the advertising companies will give you more money based on the amount of average viewers you have on a radio program. one requirement for BBC radio is an audience with the age range of 15-29 year olds, BBC fit this criteria by bringing on new artists that a lot of younger audiences listen to and BBC also get a wide range of musicians to appeal to as many people as possible another way that the BBC has appealed to 15-29 year olds is through using slang words like "innit" or "bro" and they use these slang words in the episode with Tom Grennan which is an artist that young audiences will be familiar with. 


Monday 2nd October 2023

Do now

1. the language used to explain things in media for example mise en scene, camerawork

2. a business 

3. the people viewing the product 

4. how people/things are shown to the audience 

5. background information 

Teenage dirtbag

typical American high school - popular girl - clothing average - close up - slo mo

looser - costume - editing - reverse shot of people calling him a looser 

jock - costume -  close up - smile 

sk8er boi

rebellious - illegal gig in the middle of the street on top of cars - mise-en-scene - respected - low angle shot

Music videos create representations that are different from one another to get a different audience. for example sk8er boi appeals to teens who are rebellious this is shown when the protagonist jumps on the car and because of the low angle shot and the people around her cheering her on she is respected amongst the audience and the music video she is also  represented as reckless  because the fast editing in the car makes it seem like she is speeding which is illegal. 

A contrasting representation is in teenage dirtbag when the main protagonist is represented as a typical high school looser this is shown by the mise-en-scene of the looser as he is wearing a russian style hat which is stereotypically shown as the high school looser.

Another representation in sk8er boi is the iligal gig in the middle of the street when they ran on the car and protested and all of the low angle shot and the people around her cheering her on she is respected amongst the audience.


Monday 30th October 2023

Do Now 

1. the angle of the picture and distance 

2. the font

3. the colours used

4. the language 

5. the title 


To explore the exam style questions and practice exam techniques for Q5 focusing on media language and representation 

codes and conventions - Technical written and symbolic tools used to construct or suggest meaning in media forms and products 

genre codes and conventions - A code is a system of symbols used to represent an idea or a concept. Conventions are the typical characteristics particular to a specific genre.

intertextuality - Intertextuality refers to the phenomenon of one text referencing, quoting, or alluding to another text

Layout - the way something is designed, arranged, or laid out. In written text, this is usually how visual elements, such as pictures, fonts, and headings, are presented on the page.

Typography - arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader

Colour palette - the colours used in a magazine 

Images - visual images about the magazine 

Lexis - the different type of languages used for example mise-en-scene 

connotations - the hidden details of a text or image 

Music Magazine Covers 


1. cluttered 

2. it is a chaotic style of music

3. saturated 

4. it appeals more to younger audiences 


1. ordered

2. that the style of music is more classical/more sophisticated 

3. muted 

4. it appeals to an older audience 


1. sans- serif 

2. more simple and easy to read so it is aimed at more lower class people 

3. script 

4. shows the importance of the cover line 


1. serif 

2. the magazine is for higher class people 

3. sans serif 

4. the colour palette is black and white because they are talking about someones suicide   







Monday 6th November 2023

Do Now

1. Baby boomer generation - 1940-1950, born soon after ww2

2. diversification - The process of varying products 

3. audience address - how the text speaks to the audience, and involves and influence them 

4. discerning - having good judgement 

5. house style - the colour used over the whole magazine and  preferred presentation

Music Industry


To explore the exam style questions and practice exam style techniques for Q5 focusing on media language and presentation 


1. medium long shot 

2. David Bowie 

3. Vibrant, pink, blue, purple, white - pastel, feminine, saturated 

4. 7 artists mentioned + Bowie 

5. uppercase - sans serif , shadow, bold 

6. uppercase, sans serif, Bold, different colours 

7. uppercase, sans serif, bold black/ white 

8. uppercase coloured serif free cd 

9. free cd pink/white same ass puff 

10. round the edge down the side 

colour palette:

the colour palette, vibrant pinks, blues and purples, is stereotypically very feminine colours with a predominantly male audience which shows that the magazine company, Mojo, are accepting the changes going on in the world and acceptance of all genders. 

In contrast to the Mojo magazine, The Wire magazine uses muted colours compared to the feminine, saturated colour palette. The Wire magazine uses naturalistic colours, green, white, blue as opposed to the Mojo magazine which uses bright vibrant colours which connotes that the Mojo magazine will attract a younger audience than the Wire magazine because of the colours used and also the content in the background of the image and also the colours are very old fashioned in contrast to the bright early 21st century colours on the Mojo magazine. 


Monday 13th November 2023

Live Lounge

LO: To research the case study annotate in detail the examples from case study 

Do Now

1. BBC

2. TV licence 

3. Ofcom

4. personal service broadcasting, benefit of the public  

5. PSB (make money through tv licence), commercial (make money through adverts)

1. songs: original and cover 

Olivia Dean, 24th October, song name: dive 

Beyonce's cuff it cover, attracts the wider audience through Beyonce 

2. guest info 

works in a band full of 12 people, 24 years old, up coming artist, her first solo number on live lounge 

3. quotes from the show to remember 

'man', 'not my first rodeo', 'collab' presenters keep it informal 

4. appeal to TA 

she is similar age to target audience, slang, keep it informal and fun 

5. inform entertain and educate 

standing ovation for her performance, entertaining through live music, live band 

6. innovative and cutting edge new UK music 

new music for jungle in between- UK band 

1. 15-29 year olds 

2. by using slang and using people aged similarly to the TA 

3. using up and coming artists, interviews 

4. slang 

5. commercial broadcasting run advertisements 

6. 15-29 year olds 

7. by trying to get as much people watching the radio - mass audience 

Olivia Dean met the remit by being entertaining and she is also in the age range of the target audience which is 15 to 29 year olds. Olivia Dean also met the remit because she is an up and coming artist and she also provided a cover of a byoncee song which will bring in more viewers 


Monday 20th November 2023

LO: To explore exam style questions for music magazine and music video 

Do Now 

1. genre codes - codes for a specific genre 

2. intertextuality - reference to another media text eg.. batman in the lego movie 

3. typography - size, shape of font 

4. connotations - deeper meaning 

5. Lexis - language used 

6. more gender equality, more multi-cultural, technological focus (phones, internet)

Image 1 

1. female, young, revealing clothing, direct audience address mid shot 

2. yellow, warm, saturated, rich 

3. modern, clean, sans serif, lowercase, informal

Image 2 

1. male 4x  - fairly young, covered-suit, mid-shot, no direct address, performance, focus on live music, lack of sexualization of men 

2. saturated, bright, reflects 1960s

3. sans serif (similar), capitals clean modern , sophisticated music 

4. cluttered , lots of information, overload, bursting with info - exciting energetic 

In image 1 and image 2 the media language are very similar, this is shown when the fonts and typography are very similar but connote different things for example in image 1 the sans serif font is used to show class and wealth along with the gold/saturated yellow colours but on image 2 where it shows the popular band The Beatles, the font style is used to shout at the audience and to show that the magazine if fun and exciting because the capital letters on the typography are very sharp. Moreover the colour pallet is bright saturated multicoloured which we would connote with pride today. The differences between Image 1 and Image 2 are that the celebrities on the front cover. the female (shakira) is wearing revealing clothing and in a studio but the Beatles in image 2 look like they are in a concert as the main artists and they are all fully covered in clothes with not even their necks showing. The Layout of both magazines are also different because Image 1 is very simple which adds to the wealthy look and Image 2 is very cluttered and colourful which adds to the "fun and entertaining" element of the magazine cover. In conclusion both magazines are different in many ways with few similarities.

Music video 


popular group (jocks)- respected 

Geek - not respected, bullied 

american high school 

Mise en scene

camera shots , angles 

editing, natural 

sound - singing 


lighting - muted - natural 


rebellion - fun, energetic - teenagers 

female leads rebellion 


police - not respected 


editing - fast cuts 

lighting - saturated - fun 


Monday 20th May 2024

Do now


2. bbc

3. broadcasting for the benefit of the public 

4. convergence 

sk8er boi:

punk, rebellion, teenagers are represented as law breakers, 

psb radio and commercial radio and explain the difference

psb which make money from tv remits and money from the government 

commercial radio which make money from adverts 

live lounge = psb 

attract different audiences by the content they produce for example older classical music is targeting the older generations whereas the younger generations prefer the pop/rap music 





- early 30s , young and reflet audience 

- slang - big up, sick 

question 4 

colour pallet being fun and bright colourful and exciting whereas her face and mise-en-scene looks gothic/old fashioned 

question 5 



changes in gender roles 

attitudes to sexuality 


celebrity culture


In conclusion, the media languages used reflects the differences of typography colour pallets and lexis between the 2 different music magazines. This is due to the difference in genre of these 2 magazines 


  1. 10/10-Absent, read through how to answer Q4 from my blog.

  2. 20/11- Great analysis points here T: 5.Try to include an opening sentence that address the question and also indicates what you think about if they are similar or different.


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