Lights! Camera! Action!

 Monday 1st November 2021

Lights! Camera! Action!


To apply narrative theory to our own ideas

1) ?

2) ?

3) Harry potter

4) ?

5) Polar express

6) ?

7) Life of pi

8) Night at the museum 

Todorovs narrative

Equilibrium = The normal life

Disruption = A change of the normal (a problem)

Recognition of disruption = the main characters have a understanding of what happens

Attempt to solve disruption = the main characters try to or solve the disruption (the problem)

New Equilibrium = the disruption is solved and a new normal life is formed


Marvel Endgame

equilibrium = They live a normal life 

disruption = Thanos wants to take over the world


Narrative Stage                                  What happens in my film 

Equilibrium                             There are 6 people (friends) on a island trying to survive 

                                                and hey are all 12-16 years old

Disruption                         They find more aggressive life on the island trying to hunt them

Recognition of disruption        The 4 people find out the other life on the island            

Attempt to solve disruption     They murder all of the life and eat them and steal their boat 

New equilibrium                      They go to prison for murder.



Desert Island Survival - Destinations

disruption and recognition of disruption 

Firefighters run 600 feet of hose to douse burning sailboat on Camano Isl.  beach | KOMO

They find a fire on the island

Monday 15th November 2021

Lesson 4


To explore the use of camerawork in films.

Extreme close up = so you can see if the character is crying.

What is an extreme close-up shot in a movie? - Quora

Close up = so you can see the emotions of the character

How to Shoot Close-Up Shots Like Sergio Leone

Medium close up = is used for conversation 

How to Frame a Medium Shot Like a Master Cinematographer

mid shot = 

Medium Shot: A New Way To Look At The Camera Angle

long shot

Film review: Long Shot - BBC Culture

Establishing shot 

The Filmmaker's Guide to the Establishing Shot

bird eye view

Bird's Eye View Photography: Shot from Above | EyeEm

low angle shot = used to 

Online learning | Camera angles | ACMI: Your museum of screen culture

high angle shot 

Camera Angles Explained: The Different Types of Camera Shots in Film

canted angle 

What is a Dutch Angle? Creative Examples of Camera Shots and Movement

point of view shot 

Pin by Mary Staley on photography | Pov camera, Camera shots, Point of view  shot

over the shoulder shot 

Camera Angles: Over The Shoulder or Single Shot?

camera movement 

1 dolly 

2 paning

3 paning 








 1. close up 

2 to show status 

3 they change faster as they get more tense


Monday 29th November 2021 

Setting and Colour


To explore the use of setting and colour in films. 


1) An isolated house in a rural setting for a horror film would be good because if something bad happens there is no one to help them. an isolated place is good because no one has been there in a long time and anything could be in there and I would use dark colours to connotate mystery.

2) A big city for an action film would be good because there is a lot of people moving and a lot of action in a big city also a big city would be good because every one is there and viruses will spread easily 

3) A small seaside town would be good for a romantic comedy because it is peaceful and calm also a seaside town would be good because you would hear only nature and people connotate nature as calm peacefull green

4) A range of different countries for a action adventure film would be good because you would go to many different places which would make it an adventure film 

5) A large modern science laboratory for a science-fiction film would be good because a laboratory is where you make experiments and you use science for that 


1) Blue and red is good for a superhero because those colours are already associated with superhero

superman,wonder woman

2) A black suit is good for a villain because it shows mystery as they can blend in with the shadows 

3) Bright vibrant colours is good for a comedy film because bright colours are associated with happy, positive colours 

Avengers Endgame trailer 

1) They used a desert, a big city , space , museum , countryside 

2) They used a desert to show that it is barren open space to indicate loneliness 

3) The setting changes when we are introduced to new characters

4) It affects the characters by making them feel overwhelmed

5) You can tell where it is taken place because of the advanced technology 

6) the same story could have happened in a different place but it wont be as good because there wont be as many cars and chaos causing more action 

7) You can tell where it is taken place because of the advanced technology 

8) you can tell that the story is set in the future because of the advanced technology

9) certain colours are used to show if a scene is happy or sad 

10) red and blue are used for captan america to show that he is a superhero 

11) i think the colours are very important 

12) it would be boring and dull

I am Legend 

The gun on his back shows that the film is probably action , adventure 

28 Days Later

colour red shows that the film might be a horror film 

Raiders of the lost ark

the costumes shows that its a action adventure also with some western in it 


I  would use red and black because red would show that thay are in danger and black would show mystery and danger and i would also use a laboratory in a city because then it would show that the people are dying because the city would be empty 

Monday 13th December 2021



To explore different styles of photography



where- the computer screen 

who- ollie taking photos 

Dylan and Casey are in shot 

props- the mac 

WWW:the image is clear

EBI: we had less of the backround in the image 


ground level 

where- on the grass

who is in shot - no one 

who is taking shot- Dylan 

props- none

WWW: we made the grass look big 

EBI:  if there was no rain 


giant and monsters 

where- outside or inside 

who is taking -casey

who is in shot - Dylan and Ollie 

WWW:it looks like ollie is in my hand

EBI: ollie was closer


looking down  

where inside

who is taking the shot - Dylan 

who is in the shot -Casey and Ollie 

WWW:the idea was good 

EBI: it wasnt so dark


framing shot 

where- outside/inside

who is taking the shot- ollie

who is in the shot- Dylan and Casey

props- leaves

WWW: the bushes make it look like its a forest

EBI: we had something at the end of the bushes

my favourite is the farming shot 

Monday 10th January 2022

Sound in film


To explore the use of sound in film 

1. Horror = a creaking door, slow music which gets faster with time causing tension, screaming

2. Action = loud fast music causing tension, lots of sounds in a city: cars, beeping, loud people, shouting, explosions, jets 

3. A thriller = fast and loud music, explosions, jets

4. A comedy = slow calm , laughter 

5. A science fiction =  loud and slow music

diegetic = sounds you would hear if you were in the scene e.g. someone speaking , footsteps , music on a radio

non-diegetic = sounds that only the audience can hear E.g. Narration, internal dialogue, music




heavy breathing 


the rain 

guns shots

glass smashing



the wind



pin dropping 






every noise created other than dialogue is made by Foley . Foley is the reproduction of everyday sounds for use in film making.

sounds list for an animation 

gun shots , explosions, a door opening,shouting , clicking of the remote , dialogue , speaking , cardboard box being placed down , telephone, box opening ,dog barking , dog panting , dog getten thrown banging into the cubbord the ball hitting his foot and the bag, laughing, his expression the music, the crutches hitting the ground , dog walking.

1. yes 

2. action chaos

3. when the scene gets more violent 

4. the scene changes into more or less action

5. yes because you can hear the footsteps and the gun shots


7. yes the main character has a deep voice would explain the moments of the scene

9.yes gun shots

10.yes the voices are louder so you can hear them better as the audience

  Final task

water being swished, a ship, mysterious alien noises, footsteps , a door closing and opening , smashing glass , table crashing , glass being tapped , meat being cut, speaking from the humans, music playing , crashing off all of the equipment


Monday 24th January 2022


To explore the use of Mise-en-Scene in films

1. home alone

2. iron man

3. spiderman

4. titanic 

5.pirates of the carabean


7. The incredibles

8. the lion king 



they like music 

they play video games 

he is a Male 

he is a teenager 

he is lazy 

he is messy

he might be a student 

they like to read



Mise-en-Scene = is a french term meaning what is put into a scene or frame . visual information in front of the camera. MES communicates essential information to the audience. Each aspect of mise-en-scene has hidden meanings within a film and sends signals to the audience.

1. setting and props.

2. costume , hair and makeup.

3. facial expressions and body language.

4. lighting and colour.

5. positioning of characters or objects.

Settings and props

1. A Science Fiction Film

in a science fiction film you would expect to see a lab with overpopulated cities and overcrowded cities in a wild landscape where know one knows whats out there it can be another setting but  it has to have high tech technology and 

2. A Romantic Comedy 

in a romantic comedy you would expect to find a peaceful environment with red flowers , a nice city or a countryside and some birds or another setting it just has to be a peaceful environment where nothing is bad and nothing will give you a jump scare.

3. A Horror Film 

in a horror film you would expect to see an abandoned house where know one has been there and anything could be inside or another setting but it has to be a creepy/mystery place where people havent visited in a long time to add suspence. 

costume, hair, makeup

1. The first one is telling us that he has a tan because he is an explorer and he has a hat which might indicate that he is a cowboy and he has a beard which might show us that he isnt very clean and he also has a dark white shirt which indicates dirtiness 

2. The second character is telling us that she is probably in a comedy because most comedy actors have a 1980s style and and she is going outside because she has makeup on and she has a handbag and a phone she is probably a teenager

3. he looks like he doesnt care that much about his hair because its greasy and he looks very tired because of the dark spots under his eyes 

Facial expressions and body language.

1. The dinner tables looks like its a posh dinner because they are sitting upright and there are candles also they are also wearing posh clothes 

2. The second picture shows that they are probably in a night club and also they arn't wearing a lot of clothes and they looked angry and they looks very sweaty and they also look like they have won a fight 

Lighting and Colour

high key lighting = alot of light 

low key lighting = not alot of light 

the lighting suggests that it is a horror because it uses low key lighting which is most commonly used for horror and the person on the floor looks like he is scared or spooked.

positioning of people/objects

if characters are shoulder to shoulder/back to back then it annotates that they are best friends or work colleges and if they are sitting on opposite sides of the sofa then they are separated or dont like eachother 


Monday 7th February 2022

Lights! Camera! Action!

LO: To experiment with foley and sound effects

1. The setting and props are all posh ,rich and old fashioned

2. The costume hair and makeup the man in the middle looks like he is a prisoner because there are 2 guards next to him 

3. The facial expressions and body language shows us that he is even more of a prisoner because the guards are close to him and they don't look like they are friends.

4. The lighting and colour is a low key lighting which shows us that it light be a serious scene this shows us that the scene is serious because at the funny parts of the film there is high key lighting 

5. The positioning with the characters shows us that the man in the middle is a prisoner aswell because the guards are really close to him. 

creative task

1. The setting is going to have a lab, a clean environment high tech futuristic technology and the props are gong to be hazmat suits high tech microscopes robots to do most of the dissection also holograms of people instead of phone calls it shows the holograms

2. The costume hair and makeup is going to be a green alien on the table and a man in a lab coat or a hazmat suit and the alien will have a green coloured skin

3. The facial expressions will be the lab man will be surprised on what he found

4. The lighting will be high key because they will have a lot of lights to examine the aliens

5.the positioning of the man will be sitting down and on a chair with wheels below it 

Clip 1

dialogue and breathing , music, a metal spoon hitting a mug, spreading the jam on toast, cutting the toast, a video game, toothbrush,milk going into the fridge, putting the remote down, tap running, clicking of the mirrror, shutting the door, milk, tea

some of the sounds from the practical did not work very well because there is a lot of background noise but when there was little background noise the door creaking worked well also the light switch worked well but the quieter sounds like the tap dripping or the computer turning on.


Monday 28th February 2022

LO: To explore the disaster movie genre

Disaster movies

World War Z

this movie is about a zombie virus witch attacks the world and the main character and his family escape the city full of zombies and the main characters dad tries to find the cure. This film is a disaster film because it is the end of the world and the end of human kind.

the day after tomorrow:

1. the main character in this film is male which is normal

2. The dad is trying to get his own son into a manger storm

3. a natural storm

4. they survive

5. the father travels from washington to new york in freezing tempratures 

6. they all have something that threats all human kind

jurassic world:

1. The main character in this film is male which is normal

2. This film does involve a storyline and the main character saves his friends.

3. a volcano blows up 

4.the main character manages to survive the volcano and many other people do aswel

5. they travel in cars and also highly protected hamster balls (geospheres) to protect themselves from the dinosaurs 

6.they all have something that threats all human kind 


1. female 

2. this film does not have a storyline because know one is being saved

3. a natural virus that is really deadly 

4. it had been overcome by making a vaccine

5. this film does not involve any travel

6. they all have something that threats all human kind 

1. characters

2. setting

3. actions

4. props

5. colour connotations 

6. narrative 

7. text elements

8. other genres included 

My disaster movie ideas

1.  the main character will be a scientist  and he has 2 children and a wife 

2. The disaster is that a highly contagious virus that kills humans  instantly if they come in contact with anyone who has the virus and the virus originated from the aliens which humans live peacefully with. the alien immune system is 128x better than the human immune system and then the world falls into chaos causing humans to start a war with the aliens because the humans think that they gave them the virus on purpose to kill the humans so they can take over earth so the setting is earth. 

3. the 3 other characters are all family members of the main character and they started the petition to kill the aliens but the main character does not agree with them causing a huge family split between them.

4. near the start of the film one of the main characters family members die because of the virus which causes even bigger family split.






Monday 14th March 2022

LO: To effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie 

1. The day after tomorrow ✅

2. 2012 ✅

3. the impossible ✅

4. War of the worlds ❌

5. godzilla ✅

6. Twister ❌

Trailer 1: the 5th wave

1. character = the main character is a male and he is trying to save his wife and child from all 5 waves which consist of : infection, earthquake

2. setting = all over the earth 

3. actions = humans training to beat all 5 waves 

4. props = cars and army gear and helicopters and planes 

5. colour = bright at the start but as the trailer goes on it goes dimmer and dimmer / less vibrant colours 

6. narrative = 5 waves which consist of : infection, earthquake, alien object above earth , no electricity, something among the humans , trying to kill the world 

Trailer 2: Greenland 

1. character = the main character is a male trying to save his family from a meteor shower  

2. setting = greenland 

3. actions = the meteors flying down from space 

4. props = cars meteors 

5. colour = red/orange 

6. narrative = a family trying to run from a meteor shower 

Trailer 3 Impossible

1. character = main character is male trying to find his family

2. setting = Hawaiian islands 

3. actions = searching for his family which has been swept away from a tsunami 

4. props = lots of rubble and stuff which has been swept away by a tsunami 

5. colour = low key lighting to add suspence 

6. narrative = a mann trying to save his and find his family 


1. the disaster is that the whole world is invaded by an alien infection and the lead character is a scientist which finds the antidote to the virus 

2. the film will be set 500 years in the future and it will be set in a city in america which most of the buildings are skyscrapers and there are flying cars flying around the skyscrapers and the weather will be dark and gloomy to add tension to the movie and most of the skyscrapers are full of advertising and bright holographic bilboards showing different products every hour that passes by. the film would be shot in a room with a green screen and there will be hand held cameras so it can make the film feel more realistic and there will also be some CGI to make the film more exciting for the audience 

3. the overall mood of the film will be a sad dark and gloomy i will show this in my costume and settings by making their costumes dark and also making the  weather dark and also the lights less vibrant so make the scene more sad and also add more suspence to the film 

The overall message behind the film would be to not trust things that you don't know anything about 


Monday 28th March 2022

Narrative Theory


To effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie.

Do now 

1. they have a big disaster which is life threatening 

2. usually the main character is trying to save someone which is in their family or friends

3. usually the main character is male 

4.they fix or survive the disaster 

5. a hero 

6. in a city scape 


equilibrium = the humans peacefully living with the aliens and it is set in america in new york  in 500 years time

disruption = one country in the world has been infected but the main character is not in that country 

recognition of disruption = He sees on the news that one country has been infected and doesn't care until he realises that the virus is now in the country that he lives in and now he is working on an antidote to the alien virus and has to work by himself because everyone else is to scared to go to work and he tells his family to stay locked up in their house while he tries to find the antidote 

attempt to solve = he makes the antidote for the virus 

new equilibrium = humans survive but 


1. hero = the hero is josh  (the father of the children and the scientist that saves the world)

2. villain = the villain is the aliens that try to stop josh from getting the antidote 

3. donor = the donor is joshes wife because she stops the aliens from coming in the science lab which costs their lives

4. helper = the helper is the wife that saves the hero's life 

5.the princess =the reward is to save the world so the princess is the antidote

6. the dispatcher = the hero is the dispatcher because he makes himself try to find the antidote 

7. the princess' father =he is the aliens which don't want to keep the antidote because they will be cured and they wont die 

8. the false hero = the government which pretends that he found the antidote because josh gives it to him 


Monday 25th April 2022

script writing and storyboarding

LO: To effectively develop ann idea for a disaster movie

with the help of allies josh and his wife and children venture out on high tech space craft to find the antidote to this deadly disease that is killing humanity. The aliens come to greet their family. or so they think. will josh and his family survive.

 1. im hungry 

you could hold your stomach 

2. I've lost my cat 

you could look around while looking worried with cat treats in your hands 

3. i'm so tired 

you could yawn or you could stretch 

4. i'm late for school 

you could show the school being empty because everyone is in their classrooms and you could show him or her looking worried

5. i'm really annoyed with her

you could show them not looking at each other or shouting at each other    

the opening - sunset 

the tv is on and josh laughs and turns to his wife 


(He shouts) "This virus is fake and made up by the government because they never liked the aliens"

joshes wife:

"i think the government isn't lying"

(joshes child charlie enters the living room)

charlie (joshes son): 

(He whispers) "is the alien virus real dad?"


(He whispers) "no you don't need to worry about that, anyway off to bed"




Monday 9th May 2022



To explore how a film is made and the various industry 

The big 6 holywood film industries


warner bros


20th century fox



film industry jobs






stunt men 

camera man


Grips are part of the Grip Department. The Key Grip hires and oversees the Best Boys, Dolly Grips, Hammers and Rigging crew for a production. They make sure sets and rigs are safely built and maintained, collaborate with the Gaffer on lighting and, after the 1st AD, ensure safety on set.

average salary: £59,000

salary range: £41,000 to £131,000


The Gaffer, or Chief Lighting Technician is the head of the Lighting Department on a film set. They work in pre-production and production to help achieve the desired cinematic image through setting up lights and running cables

average salary: £54,738

salary range: £19,000 to £129,000


Showrunners are in charge of the writing and execution of a television series. They run the Writers’ room, guide Directors and creative crew, and collaborate with the studio/network to deliver their unique vision of the show.

average salary: £100,000 to £300,000 an episode
Salary range: $30K an episode to $20M a year

.an idea is pitched to the studio executives

.then they see if it will make money 

. then they make teams to shoot the film 

. then they edit the film and add sounds 

pre production = Pre-production is an essential stage of any film project. It includes all the brainstorming and planning that happens before cameras start rolling. From developing a concept, exploring the look of your film, storyboarding scenes and much more.

production = The production stage, also known as principal photography, is when shooting begins. During this short timeframe, additional crew will be hired—like a script supervisor to check for script continuity while filming, and a property master to acquire and oversee any of your film's props

post production = Post-Production is the stage after production when the filming is wrapped and the editing of the visual and audio materials begins. Post-Production refers to all of the tasks associated with cutting raw footage, assembling that footage, adding music, dubbing, sound effects, just to name a few


posters, magazines, adverts on tv, trailer, bilboards

release poster 

release teaser 

character sneak peak

release trailer 

release movie 

behind the scenes / deleted scenes 


where the film will be released 


Monday 23rd may 2022

LO: to develop an effective film marketing strategy 





video game 

actors talking about it 

social media 


ready player one 




the video game also promotes it 

1. you normally see film posters in the cinema or in magazines or on the back of busses or on bilboards

2. a bussy area where lots of people can see it 

3. date of release actors in it , the main image/title of the film

the font is usually sans serif and blocky 

the colours are usually warm (fires/explosions,mn)/cold colours or dark 

they all have a disaster on the cover 

the actors faces arn't usually on the front cover 

all the posters are based around the disaster 

the poster suggests that is is a disaster film because of the tornado and also the choice of title of the film title. also the warm colours in the background shows that there probably was an explosion or a fire in the background after the storm had past the city in the film poster also shows that the film has a lot of chaos and madness in the film. the narrative clues is the tornado in the middle of the film poster which further show chaos/disaster and the helicopter and lightning also shows this. the actors in this film was previously in other films so it also brings attention to the film because of their voice and social media. Also the font of he text almost looks like a storm and its not only one colour and also it is block capitals which shows that it is a storm disaster because a storm is a very dangerous natural event so it shows that its a serious event 


Monday 13th June 2022

LO: to create film marketing material 

Movie marketing 

main image 



credit block

actor names

director names

release date


 i used genre conventions to create a horror theme 

i think i used the layout conventions correctly 
i'm pleased with how the title fits in with the background 
i would add more conventions i don't think there is anything that i would like to do in photoshop 


Monday 27th June 2022
To create an effective trailer

1. it uses this for dates producers and actor/director 
2. used to give more info
3.they chose fast paced scenes with planes 
4. they used very fast paced sounds and intense music planes and missiles had a funeral so that means that a character has died 


  1. 29/11- good notes for the lesson, target: 1. more detail in the settings for the film idea, explain the choices you make.

  2. 4/1/22-Excellent shots, T4. think about lighting to get a better shot.

  3. 15/3- Great start to your ideas: T: 4.More detail on how should your film be shot? You could consider special effects, CGI, camera angles, Steadicam, tripod or handheld cameras, colours used and anything else.
    5. More detail on what is the message behind your film?

  4. 27/6: Good start to your storyboard. T: Does your trailer give too much away for the ending of your film? Now complete the last 4 frames to finish your trailer, don't forget the title slide and the release date.


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