Media Language Anslysis

 Wednesday 6th October 2021 


To analyse a media text using media language. 

They have chosen a medium long shot so the people looking at the film cover can easily see his facial expressions and the reason that the film makers didn't choose a mid or close up shot is so that the person looking at the film can see the gun in his hand and the holster.


shows that he is not wearing his suit and maybe wants to blend in he also looks like a hitman 


he is holding a gun which connotates violence so there is probably violence in the film 

facial expression:

his facial expression is showing that he is focused and serious or looking for someone.


the background is hard, metallic plain colours and the colours are gold and blue which indicates wealth.

diegetic sounds:

1) car engine:

This would suggest that it could be a car chase which also means that it could be an action film.

2) helicopter engine: 

This could mean that they might be looking for someone or they are flying away from someone else.

3) motorbike:

This could show that they are being chased.

4) explosions: 

This shows that there will be a lot of action.

This tells us that there is more action or danger.

5) gun sounds:

The transitions fade to black to show that time has passed.

At the end the speed of the music and pace of the cuts speed up to build tension to make you want to watch the film.

Wednesday 13th October 2021

Venom: Let There Be Carnage - Wikipedia

The camera shot used is a close up to the characters head and the shot is taken inside of a creatures mouth as if he is ready to eat the character infront of it. The clothing used is to show that they are not human and the colours red and black are indicating evil violence. There is no props used. the setting and background used is a dark blue and white so maybe they are in the sky because of the colours used it might be at dawn aswell the facial expression used shows that the creatures mouth that we are inside shows that he is powerful because of the camera type used and the amount of sharp teeth. The font style used is very sharp and pointy so that shows that this film is a violence or a action. these features tell us that the film will be an action or a adventure or both because they are in the sky also the font style might suggest that venom 2 might be an action movie. The characters shows us that they are not human and the scene might be set in a diffrent planet.



daylight clear sky , sunny, sunrise 


Desert and ocean, cliffside,  fantasy, futuristic 


weapons (guns knifes), sharp objects, helecopters, spaceships, sharp needle like objects, the box that hurt the man sandworm 

In the Dune trailer, mise-en-scene (setting, location, props)is used effectively to show the setting and the genre of the film. For example in the starting scene it shows a desert which tells the watcher that the genre is an fantacy / fururistic. The director uses a desert, this creates curiosity and makes the watcher think because its not a normal setting if it was a realistic film.


  1. This is an excellent first analysis Dylan! Well done.
    WWW: you've used lots of accurate terminology
    EBI: you try to use the term 'connotes' or 'connotations' as well.


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